27 Aug Shofar Insights; The Rams Horn (brief excerpt)


Shofar Insights; See the Sounds

The Rams Horn


There are many references of the ram skipping and leaping, appearing at the Akeidah (binding of Isaac)etc.. The ram represents transformation.


There is a Jewish understanding that Mashiach will arrive by year 6000 (unless we merit his arrival soon Boruch Hashem). This 6000yr period is broken down into three- 2000yr periods.


The first 2000yrs is the period of the Ox, a period of ‘sowing the land’ for ‘the planting of the seeds of Torah’.


The second period (from Avraham forward) is the period of the sheep, a period of time of the cultivating of the intellectual aspects represented by a sheep or lamb, also referred to as an immature ram . It should be noted that the Korbon Pesach is the sacrificial lamb (sheep or ‘immature ram’) used to signify a Tikun of the previous period, and a transition/ transformation to the future.


The third 2000 yr period (which we are currently in) is the period of the ram. The time period of the ram is a time of blending, or interincluding the higher and lower aspects (ie the higher and lower waters of Torah) also referred to as the intellectual and emotive aspects of Torah… a time of transformation.


The Vilna Goan brings down further the 4th period which is also represented in Avrahams’ Covenant of the Pieces. This final period is represented by 2 doves; a mother dove and a child dove. This is the period of the Final Redemption, the Messianic era, when the mother dove representing the Land of Israel, and the child dove representing the Jewish people unite and become one, as Jewish People and the Land of Israel… a Messianic time.


The sounding of the shofar, the rams horn, is the awakening to acknowledge and elevate our tshuva and bring about the transformation, our Tikun and the Final Redemption.


Lawrence (Leib Getzel) Lax

Addictions and Counseling (Hnrs)