02 Dec Vayeitzei; Transformation of the Concealed
Inspired by the teachings of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbi Moshe Genuth
At the point in time of Creation, as the single infinite light (Ein Sof) passed through the tzimzum (contraction) the 10 lights also known as the sefirot, the 10 building blocks of the Universe were created. These 10 building blocks then became what we know as the 4 Worlds; Atzilut (Emanation), Beriyah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation) and Asya (Action).
It is fundamental to recognize the mutually beneficial interdependency of Yaakov and Esau as it relates to the rectification of Esau through Yaakov (Yisroel) and the bringing of Mashiach.
Esau in body, and then latter in spirit held an abundant amount of powerful, concealed and unrectified sparks of Holiness. It is the mission of Yaakov in body, and Yaakov in body and spirit as Yisroel (the man and the Nation)nto acquire and rectify the concealed powerful sparks of holiness within the vessel of Esau. Esau in body and spirit becomes a vessel ie a reservoir of sparks for the Tikun Olam (rectification of the world) of Nation of Yisroel and a key provider of ‘spiritual fuel’ to ushering in the Messianic era.
As a product of this interdependent relationship of Yaakov and Esau, the spiritual vessel of Esau also becomes rectified in an concept that may be described as the transformation of Esau. As we can see, to accomplish our mission to rectify ourselves and the world we need the power contained within opposing forces as they are in the relationship of Yaakov and Esau to the ultimate conclusion as the opposing forces become rectified and they become one.
Where Esau is said to be a master of the3 lower of the 4 worlds of creation; action, formation and creation, these worlds have a greater amount of physicality than the loftiest world of emanation, the world attributed to Yaakov. This is important to understand why and how Yaakov is better suited to learn from the concealed sparks within Esau, and why we can then see the prophecy as it is written in the Torah that ‘the older shall serve the younger’. In a twist on traditional sibling order, the older brother Esau serves the younger brother Yaakov, and Esau continues to be a resource holding the necessary concealed sparks of holiness to bring Moshiach. Just like we need the sparks concealed in our yetzer hora, we need the concealed sparks of holiness concealed in spiritual vessel of Esau.
Yaakov had the great ability to learn and integrate from Esau the concealed sparks of holiness to be rectified in the Jewish People and the Jewish Nation eternally. Esau did not have this ability.
In two early examples of Yaakov’s ability to learn ‘the ways of Esau’ was first when he ‘cunningly’ has Esau sell him the birthright blessing. Another time was as Isaacs eyes had become dimmed of prophecy, Rivka, Yaakov’s mother with prophecy intact has Yaakov placed before Isaac for the birthright blessing in place of Esau. When she made the switch, she instructed Yaakov to wear Esau’s garments. It is important to understand that the Talmud teaches us that a garment is physical enclothement, but a garment can also be understood as a spiritual garment.
When Yaakov goes to the scoundrel Laban, he continues to learn the ways of ‘the world of scoundrels’ as Laban continually deceives and cheats Yaakov. These lesson will be necessary for the challenges of Yaakov as Yisroel; The Land and Her People, to deal with in future generations.
We can learn from this that there are lessons and powerful sparks concealed in the darkest of places that can become transformed in to something good… something holy.
Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling