30 Aug Reeh; A Blessing, A Curse… You Choose

Inspired by the teachings of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and Rabbbi Moshe Genuth  



We ascend or descend according to the merits of our thoughts and actions… our choices.

In Parshas Re’eh 11:26 ‘Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse’ refers to the experience of Choice and Free WillThe Torah speaks of Mt. Gerizam the mountain of abundance and  Mt. Eivel as the barren mountain .            


Mt. Gerizam is the ‘ lush Mt . of abundance’ and  can be understood as having an amount of balance and stability. However in contrast, ‘the barrenness of Mt Eival’ represents darkness and chaos.  


The important lesson here is the powerful concept that Mt Eivel as the barren mountain has concealed within it’s darkness contains the  most powerful sparks of Holiness waiting to be ignited and transformed, and have its potential revealed. Mt Grizam however already appears lush and beautiful and has already revealed its potential.


There are things in our world that have already realized blessings, and things that have not. Those things that have not yet received blessing to be elevated  remain cloaked in ‘the darkness awaiting our blessing to reveal the powerful spiritual sparks concealed within the darkness. The revealing of these concealed sparks of Holiness relies on Free Will and Choice to do so.


The Journey of the Soul


The creation of the infinite soul of every Jew is created with the desire to be elevated. It can only do this when it is in the vessel of a body. The soul then animates the body, the mind and the soul. To do this in the most effective and harmonious way are given the mechanism or guidelines of Torah and Mitzvot which contain within them the ability to reveal the concealed to elevated and  connect to the Infinite Creator Himself.


The Mitzvot  and  Torah as a Conduit  of the Infinite


When we recognize that everything that we experience in our world began in a higher realm, we can then better understand that what we may perceive as deficient may contain exactly we need to rectify to bring about balance and harmony .


Especially with the coming  of Elul and the Yom Tovem  we can understand the reason we do a cheshbon hanefesh (personal inventory) is to reveal to ourselves  concealed  issues that may be causing us disharmony . One of the great tragedies of personal growth is that we may have become trapped in the comfort  of  living in a deficient state like  the 4/5ths of Jews even having directly witnessed the plagues of the Hand of G-d upon the Egyptians yet chose to remain pin Egypt as slaves.  


The key to balance and harmony is through acquiring a G-d consciousness in all our affairs. This achieved through the Torah and Mitzvot allowing us to connect to G-d in every situation.  A powerful mitzvot to acquire and observe is Kashruth and blessings as it effects many aspects of our daily personal life, family life and communal life.


Mazel Tov; The Jewish soul has the ability to go beyond the deterministic flow…

When the flow of G-ds Divine Light descends through the stars of the constellations…’The Mazel’, the flow of G-d’s Light becomes deterministic (set).

When we say ‘Mazel Tov’, we are asking for the deterministic flow from the constellations to be for the good.

However, it is the power of the Jew and the Jewish soul at any time to able to rise above and transcend the determinism by changing the flow of goodness up-on high in the spiritual  realm before it reaches the Mazel. This is a mechanism of the process of tikun (rectificaton).  


Our soul yearns to expand and elevate. Our choices of thought and action throught the Mitzvot bring us closer or further from Hashem , His Light. He has given us the tools to succeed.  


We Choose a path of our own Free Will.


Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Counseling and Addictions