10 Jan [Beshalach] Splitting of the Waters; Torah and Science (pesach series)


[Beshalach] Splitting of the Waters; Torah and Science
(Pesach Series)

An insight into the flow of the spiritual to the physical inspired by the teachings of

HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh and R Moshe Genuth


From the Highest Realm of Ein Sof -The Single Infinite Light, G-d spoke and through the Tsimtsum-Contraction was emanated the 10 Sefirot, the 10 building blocks of the universe.


Where there was once a single infinite light, there was then the creation of a multi-dimensional, pluralistic (binary) universe.  


The format of all creation is pluralistic (binary.Most modern computers (and other electronics) at the core level of function use binary encoding for instructions and data. , meaning they use a system of 1s and 0s to represent information. It is the combination of 1s and 0s that yield results (as is a binary picture appearing on a screen).


It is interesting that the number 10 (ten) is the digits 1 and  0.  We use a mathematical base10  numeral system  of symbols 0-10. 10 is the Pythagorean symbol of perfection or completeness which holds a connection to Jewish Wisdom where10 represent; completeness, wholeness, a complete unit.


 Whenever there is an event of separation, a void will have been created to allow that void to be filled with goodness (sweetening).


We will look at 3 significant events of separation that led up to the Revelation at Sinai. The first 2 we have discussed in Parshas Va’eira and Parshas Bo and will briefly review;


In parshas Va’eira the Israelites were ‘separated out’ from the Egyptians by the first 7 of 10 plagues, and in Parshas Bo they  were ‘separated out’ from the Egyptians by the final 3 of the 10 plagues. The plagues defined a separation between the Israelites and the Egyptians as what was a positive effect on the Israelites was paradoxically a negative experience for the Egyptians.
A review of The Secret of Chash-mal-mal;

The Ba’al Shem Tov taught that every rectified process follows three stages, as hinted at in the mystical word chashmal from the Workings of the Chariot in the first chapter of Ezekiel.

















Our  3rd example of ‘separation’, is the miraculous ‘Separation of the  Water’ of the Yom Suf

There are powerful connections between Torah and Science. One such example is the connection of Torah and Photosynthesis.  More specific to this idea is Photolysis; the process of breaking down water to oxygen which is life sustaining.

Where we see examples of 10’s in Torah

·         G-d’s 10 utterances of Creation

·         10 sefirot (emanations) as the building blocks of Universe

·         10 trials of Avraham

·         10 Commandments

·         10 Plagues

·         10 Spies

·         10 men for a minion

·         10 pieces of bread for the searching of chumatz

·         10 fingers in the Kohan blessing and the blessing when holding the challah

·         10 Commandments at Sinai; 2 Commandments heard by Israel and the balance of 8 commandments were heard by Moses (2+8=10)

·         10 levels of malachim … all are conduits for the powers of the 10 sefirot.

·         The 10 sefirot (emanations, powers, lights)  are the building blocks of reality as understood in Kabbalistic teachings, signifying a complete and unified system of divine forces



.  Now we can look at the ‘10’ of the Splitting of the Sea…



The Torah says ‘All the waters split’ and refers to All the ‘WATERS’ plural, not the ‘water’ singular. The Torah is telling us that not only did the water of Yom Suf split but all the ‘WATERS’… i.e. all the molecules of the waters  of the entire world split at that same moment in time. This refers back to Creation (Bereishit) and the splitting of the ‘higher and lower waters and the firmament in between’. (there are also 10 levels of malachim (angels) within the firmament).











The relationship of photolysis and splitting of the Sea is that during photolysis the water molecule H20 is split into 2- Hydrogen (atomic number Hydrogen =1 ea. ) for a total atomic weight of 2 , and 1- oxygen (atomic number of Oxygen =8) for a total of the oxygen atomic weight of 8. Therefore, water as a structure; H20 has a total atomic number of 2+8=10.


A transformation takes place during the process of splitting hydrogen(2) and oxygen(8),  where the infusion light occurs causing photolysis. This transformation allows the plant to produce oxygen that we breathe… a sustaining life force.


In parshas Beshalach all the water in the world splits (when the sea splits).  G-d creates a void to fill with His Light, His Goodness. Gd splits the molecules of the waters into the division of 2+8 ;                2 hydrogen with atomic number of 1(x2) , and 1 oxygen with an atomic number of 8 , allowing G-ds Light to penetrate the universe and the Jewish people in a fantastic miracle.


As the sea waters split, a path of reveal (the reveal of the dry land) led the Jews to Sinai where they received the 10 Commandments. Just as in photolysis and the miracle of splitting of the waters , the Jews  became infused with G-ds Light.


The attributes of water include tshuvah. Tshuvah is also referred to as the ‘Waters of Tshuvah’.  When we separate out, or ‘split’ away the holy from the impure through the mechanisms of our Tshuvah as in the tshuvah of our addiction recovery and tshuvah in all our affairs, we create a space… a void to be filled with G-ds Light, His Divinity, to elevate and rectify our relationship with G-d, ourselves and the world as He filled the world with His Divine Light when He created a void when He split ALL the waters.


In all that we do in accordance with the ways of Torah; with our heart, our mind and our actions… when we incorporate G-d as our partner, we can permeate our reality and  infuse all the waters and all the voids with His Divine Holy Rectifying Light into the world.



Leib Getzel (Lawrence) Lax
Addictions and Counseling (Hnrs)