08 Jan Parshas Vayechi – The Colours of the Eye

Parshas Vayechi
The Colors of the Eye

Intro to Rav Ginsburgh’s article as cited …
(by L. Lax,  from the teachings of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh)


The enclosed article by Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh will focus on ‘The Colors of the Eye. We see in Parsha Vayechi the following reference as Yaakov says in his blessing to Yehuda, ‘His eyes are red from wine…’ Ch49-V12.


G-d created Man, tselem El-o-kim (in His image) as a microcosm of the universe. Of course, as we know, G-d doesn’t really have ‘a body’, but the body he gave man, more specifically Avraham and the Jewish people, was created in such a way as to allow us to connect to both the spiritual and physical worlds, thus allowing us to bring His G-dliness in to the world so that we may bring about Rectification of the World and the Final Redemption.


A look into Rav Ginsburgh’s article ‘248 In Nature and Man’ (http://www.inner.org/torah_and_science/physics/E68-0422.php – also see parts 3&4) shares with us a beautiful insight into the mapping of the spiritual realm as it correspond to the physical body and the 613 mitzvoth that we choose to articulate in order to bring about a tikun- rectification.


The physical body and spiritual attributes of Man in the ‘image’ of G-d is as a conduit to use and  elevate our free will with
the  spiritual realms through using the guidelines  of the mitzvot.


In brief, the article of ‘248’ illuminates the following idea; Avram (his name before the covenant of the brit milah-circumcision) had a gematria-numerical value of 243. It was upon the entering of the Covenant of Brit Milah that Avram became Avraham. The additional letter ‘hei; has an added gematria value of 5. Therefore the gematria of Avraham is = (243+5) = 248. This corresponds to the 248 positive mitzvoth. The addition of the letter ‘Hei (5)’ gave Avraham the control over the 243 skeletal bones-limbs and sinews, through the ability to control an additional 5 ‘passive organs’ as a result of the Covenant of Brit Milah ; the 2 ears, the procreative sexual male organ, and the 2 eyes (total of 5 organs), thereby giving him the ability to choose and gain control of the activities not just of the additional 5 organs of the 248 bones, sinews and organs , but also gaining control over the 365 prohibition mitzvoth that correspond to major veins and arteries for the total of the 613 mitzvoth (248 positive + 365 prohibitive).


Thus the covenant of the brit milah giving Avraham the added Hei=5  gave Avraham (and thereby an inheritance to all Jews) the ability to choose to serve G–d with our all, as we say in the Shema.. ‘with all our heart all our sole and all our might’, thus allowing each and every Jew the opportunity to connect to and integrate within himself and the greatest amount of G-ds infinity through the mechanisms of the 613 mitzvoth (see article summary with audio/video @ http://www.inner.org/torah_and_science/physics/E68-0422.php).


As previously stated, this weeks parshas Vayechi, Yaakov says in his blessing to Yehuda, ‘His eyes are red from wine…’ (Vayechi: Chp 49 Verse 12). In the following article ‘The Colors of the Eye’, Rav Ginsburgh shares a more focused insight on the particular organ of the eyes of the 613 bones sinews organs veins and arteries.


Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh is considered to be the foremost teacher of Chassidut and Kabbalah of our time. The Rav’s books, free articles and audio-video lectures are available at www.inner.org .

Continue to read further …

Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh- Healing of Body and Soul- Kabbalah and Medicine (P6)
The Colors of the Eye – Part 1
Click on here http://www.inner.org/Healing/healing06.htm


Healing of Body and Soul- Kabbalah and Medicine (P7)
The Colors of the Eye – Part 2
Click on here http://www.inner.org/healing/healing07.htm


More of Harav Ginsburgh’s books, free audio-video lectures and articles available at